Sally Rutledge-Ott

Sally Rutledge-OttSally Rutledge-Ott, ACE, NFPC is the President & CEO of Ottsie, LLC, a Certified WomanOwned Supplier specializing in the construction industry, and is Managing Partner of Ott Electric, LLC, a full-service union electrical contractor in Illinois. Sally is the Regional Director for the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce for Illinois and Eastern Iowa. Sally has an Associate’s degree in Court and Convention Reporting and a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing. Post graduate studies include Not-For-Profit Management, Organizational Management, Business Development and Business Law. Sally holds Certifications in Economic Development, Event Planning, Not-For-Profit Management and Strategic Planning. Ottsie, LLC holds Federal and National Certifications as a WOSB and NWEB for Nonprofit Organization.

Sally Rutledge-Ott, married 32 years
Sally Rutledge-Ott and Kevin Ott, married 32 years

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How They Met

Listen to the brief audio below to learn more about Sally and the story behind how she and Kevin met.